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Bath and Wells MAT



We record observations and assessments of the children, to create an online learning journal. This means that parents/carers can access their child's learning journal at home without having a big folder full of paper to look at. You will have your own personal log-in where you can see what your child has been doing at Nursery. We will aim to do several observations each half term, and some of these may link to the "Next Steps" planning for your child's development. We will have ideas for you to use at home to help with this.

You can also add your own observations of things your child has done at home. It might be a picture of a fun day out, or them playing with a favourite toy!

Celebrating Learning

In each room we have a Celebrating our Learning Tree.

Please take a leaf home and with your child draw, paint, stick or write something that your child is learning to do such as

“I am learning to put on my own socks”

and attach a photograph of your child trying.