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Bath and Wells MAT

Curriculum Intent 

St James Church School

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Curriculum Intent Statement

At St James Church School our Curriculum Intent Statement is underpinned by The Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust Curriculum Intent setting out the principles of our curriculum.

This is our own Curriculum intent which was developed by staff and Governors:

St James Curriculum Intent 

Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust:

A Curriculum for an Ever-Changing World – Our Intent

Our curriculum will ensure that our children ‘have life in all its fullness’. It is the structure that ensures that they learn well, that provides life changing experiences, that builds their character, that enables them to choose their paths and shows them what it means to be a human being in this ever-changing world. The Bath and Wells Multi-Academy Trust is determined that all children in our schools will have access to an ambitious curriculum that meets our non-negotiable principles.
Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust - Curriculum (bwmat.org)

Curriculum Non-Negotiables

Our curriculum is constructed by each school with the following guiding principles:

  • Children will be at the centre of curriculum design.
  • The curriculum will provide rich and memorable experiences which promote a life-long love of learning.
  • It will be the framework to provide for pupils’ academic, social, moral, cultural, spiritual, physical and creative development.
  • It will enable all to learn, be ready for the next stage in their education and take their place in the world.
  • It will ensure that all pupils achieve the highest standards of learning.
  • It will address disadvantage and discrimination, so that all are included as of right.
  • It will have trust and relationships at its heart.
  • It will extend beyond the what, when and where, to the how and why.

As a Trust we are guided by our characteristics of learning. In particular the following characteristics set out what we strive for as a Trust. Through collaboration with other schools St James strives to improve these characteristics. 


St James Curriculum Intent Statement

Our approach to the curriculum, at St James Church School, is to support and enable all our pupils by providing a curriculum that:

  • The curriculum starts from Nursery – we want our children, families and staff to start well together.
  • We recognise that phonics and early reading are a priority as many children come from different countries and/or disadvantaged households meaning many do not get opportunities at home.
  • Represents our diverse community, 40% of our children speak English as an additional language. Utilises and enhances our diverse community of religions, cultures, languages and life experiences.
  • Supports the school’s context within Taunton and its pupils, a number of whom are drawn from an area of social deprivation.
  • Provides experience of and connections to the world beyond the school locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Provides a broad range of creative learning experiences to develop children’s moral, spiritual, social, mental, physical and cultural understanding through our values and the development of a contextually relevant curriculum.
  • Has high expectations for all pupils and provides additional opportunities to inspire ambition within our pupils.
  • Recognises, celebrates and welcomes each pupil as a unique individual.
  • Secures pupils’ core skills, knowledge and understanding to at least an age-appropriate level and beyond, and is adapted, designed and developed for pupils with additional learning needs or disabilities.
  • Provides both coverage of the National Curriculum and appropriate progression from EYFS to Y6 and beyond.
  • Provides enrichment opportunities to broaden and enhance the curriculum experience for pupils.
  • Is flexible and can be adjusted to pupils’ feedback, the evaluations of how well pupils learn and make progress, and in pupils’ performance in external and internal assessments.
  • Our Curriculum is intended to enable all pupils to:
    • Have a sense of pride in who they are, where they live and the school they attend.
    • Enjoy learning and understand the importance of this for their growth and development.
    • Understand and apply Christian values that enhance the experience and development of themselves and others but to welcome all religious beliefs and look beyond Christianity.
    • Demonstrate positive behaviour that reflects the core values of our school.
    • Have a sense of belonging to their community.
    • Be confident, ambitious, aspirational, self-evaluative, learners who are engaged, excited and empowered by their learning experiences.
    • Make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.
    • Be well prepared for life in modern Britain.
    • Access learning at their level in order to make progress regardless of any disability or special educational need.
    • Experience equality of opportunity, addressing any gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding, to diminish social disadvantage.
    • Make good progress across the curriculum appropriate to their prior attainment through access to appropriately differentiated learning opportunities and pre and post teaching sessions across the school day.
    • Achieve well in external assessment against National benchmarks at the end of each key stage.
    • Articulate their hopes and aspirations for their future.

To find out more about how we structure the curriculum across our school to ensure the National Curriculum is taught and is tailored to the needs of our pupils please have a look at our Curriculum Intent and Progression Plans for each subject.

These documents will demonstrate how our curriculum in coherently planned and sequenced and builds on prior learning. Each progression document sets out what pupils will learn and when.

To see the full learning journey for your child please see the Year Group Curriculum Coverage.