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Bath and Wells MAT

Whole School Approach

Welcome to our dedicated Wellbeing section of the website

The last few years have been challenging with the pandemic, the cost of living crisis and the onset of more digital devices than ever.

We understand that life is challenging, the well being of our children, staff and parents is important. Our vision is 'Love God, Love others and Love ourselves' so make no mistake, well being is an important part of our work.

On these pages you will find a variety of services that offer support; locally, nationally and online and we outline how we support children, staff and our families

Here at St James we take the Mental Health and Wellbeing of children, staff and families very seriously. 

There are 3 groups that we want to support...

  • Children
  • Staff
  • Parents

So we have created a page for each on the website.

Fiona OConnor (Assistant Headteacher) is our designated Mental Health Lead and has been trained to do so.


This is the Family Support Team:

Family Support Team (ID 1118)