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Bath and Wells MAT


Our Art intent

That all children develop confidence in creating and thinking critically- having confidence in their own ideas and choices.

Develop a love of Art and Design.

Ensure children have access to Art and Design, that reflects the multi-cultural landscape of St James Church School, and the wider community.

Ensure children have access to and develop respect for a broad, inspiring, and stimulating art curriculum.

That children develop their knowledge of Arts and Design through collaborative approaches.

That children become inquisitive about the Arts and the different representations of Art. They learn how to use different and varied techniques and materials.

Ensure children learn to use a multidisciplinary approach when planning and designing.

Children develop a knowledge of artists and designers from the past, present and future and become confident to take a positive role in the ever-changing world.


At St James, we offer a broad curriculum that covers a large range of artists' styles and mediums.

Sketchbooks are also used to complement and support the artwork, helping to develop the transferable skills of critical thinking.

We are working hard as a team to develop lessons that are categorised into five areas:

  • Making Skills
  • Generating Ideas
  • Formal Elements
  • Knowledge of Artists
  • Evaluating

These lessons compliment our wider curriculum at the same time as developing the discrete skills of craft and design. 

At the end of each year, St James is always proud to showcase and celebrate the exquisite artistic talents of our children in a whole school Exhibition.

Here are some pictures from exhibitions in the past.  

Art Exhibition

For further information about the Art Curriculum at St James, please see the Art Progression document below.


eyfs progression into art.pdf

art progression of skills.pdf



Art and Design Progression Document .docx