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Bath and Wells MAT

Design Technology

Our Design and Technology Intent

Children will develop their knowledge of design technology through collaborative approaches.

Children will develop their individuality and purpose in researching, designing and evaluating a range of products

Children will have access to enriching, real life experiences using a range of tools and materials.

That children will become problem solvers and question posers.

That children learn how to investigate before drawing conclusions: becoming informed innovators.

That they learn to use a multidisciplinary approach when designing and originating.

That children develop a knowledge of design from the past, present and future and become confident to take a positive role in the ever-changing world.

Children will be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real- life purpose.

Encourage children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team.

National Curriculum Design and Technology aims: 

Knowledge: Children develop their knowledge of DT through collaborative approaches. 

Research: Children become problem solvers and question posers. 

Design: Children learn how to investigate before drawing conclusions so that they become informed innovators. 

Make: Children learn how to use a multidisciplinary approach when designing and originating. 

Evaluate: Children develop knowledge of design from the past, present and future and become confident to take a positive role in the ever changing world. 


dt skills progression.pdf