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Bath and Wells MAT

PE Intent

Children will love being active every day and understand the importance of an active lifestyle.

The context of St James Church School can sometimes challenge the recommendation of being active for at least 60 minutes a day. However, the way we teach PE and promote being active will ensure that at least 60 minutes a day becomes the social norm.

Children will know and believe that an active lifestyle will keep them healthy for their future.

Children will develop their fundamental skills through physical activity. For example, agility, balance and coordination.

Children will experience a range of skills and competitive games that challenge them.

Children will learn how to work well as a team, celebrating each other’s successes.

Children will suggest ways to challenge themselves and others across a range of skills and competitive situations.


 Curriculum PE

Our philosophy is that every child has the right to develop a positive relationship with physical activity for life. PE is taught via real PE which outlines the essential teaching habits required to develop positive behaviours, skills and knowledge in our children. The unique, child-centred approach, means every child feels valued, included, challenged and supported in their learning.


Progression Map for Year R

eyfs progression of skills nursery reception.pdf


Progression Map for Year 1

Progression Map for Year 2

Progression Map for Year 3

Progression Map for Year 4

Progression Map for Years 5 and 6