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Bath and Wells MAT

Home Learning

The available learning opportunities for every year group will have the following:
- Maths task
- English task
- Reading task
- Other curriculum task

Parents and children can (if they would like to) complete additional craft activities or writing linked to the story.


Friday 7th July

Year 1


Please see the lesson on subtraction for Year 1.

To subtract a 1-digit number from a teens number using a known fact (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on using the conjunction 'but' for Year 1.

To use the coordinating conjunction 'but' (thenational.academy)


Please access Bug Club to continue reading at home and complete any quizzes that you have available.


Other Curriculum Task - Geography

Please see the lesson on what Africa is like for Year 1.

What is Africa like? (thenational.academy)

Year 2


Please see the lesson on adding and subtracting for Year 2.

Adding and subtracting ones from a 2-digit number (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on creating mood in writing for Year 2.

To explore how writers create mood (thenational.academy)


Please access Bug Club to continue reading at home and complete any quizzes that you have available.


Other Curriculum Task - Geography

Please see the lesson on how Alaska is different to Cornwall for Year 2.

 How is Alaska different to Cornwall? (thenational.academy)

Year 3


Please see the lesson on facts for the 6 times table for Year 3.

Use known multiplication facts to derive our 6 times table (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on contrasting settings and characters for Year 3.

To describe two contrasting settings and characters (thenational.academy)


Please continue to read your current book and you can quiz on this once it is complete in school on Accelerated Reader. 


Other Curriculum Task - Geography

Please see the lesson on the countries of Europe for Year 3.

 What are the countries of Europe? (thenational.academy)

Year 4


Please see the lesson on the 4 operations for Year 4.

Understanding which operations have equal priority (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on writing speech for Year 4

To practise writing speech (thenational.academy)


Please continue to read your current book and you can quiz on this once it is complete in school on Accelerated Reader. 


Other Curriculum Task - Geography

Please see the lesson on what migration is for Year4.

What is migration? (thenational.academy)


Wednesday 5th July

Year 1


Please see the lesson on addition for Year 1. 

 To use mathematical models and strategies for addition (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on exploring moods in a story for Year 1.

 To explore the main moods in the story (thenational.academy)


Please access Bug Club to continue reading at home and complete any quizzes that you have available.


Other Curriculum Task - Science

Please see the lesson on 'How do I plant a bean?' for Year 1.

How do I plant a bean? (thenational.academy)

Year 2


Please see the lesson on counting in twos fives and tens for Year 2.

 Counting in twos fives and tens (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on using imperative verbs for Year 2.

To use imperative verbs (thenational.academy) 


Please access Bug Club to continue reading at home and complete any quizzes that you have available.


Other Curriculum Task - Science

See the lesson on 'What are the planets in our solar system?' for Year 2.

 What are the planets in our solar system? (thenational.academy)

Year 3


Please see the lesson on recalling the 4 times table for Year 3.

 Recalling the 4 times table (thenational.academy)


Please see the lesson on exploring complex sentences for Year 3.

 To explore complex sentences (thenational.academy)


Please continue to read your current book and you can quiz on this once it is complete in school on Accelerated Reader. 


Other Curriculum Task - Science

Please see below the lesson on investigating plant growth for Year 3.

 What conditions could we change to investigate the growth of a plant? (thenational.academy)

Year 4


Please see the lesson for using column method for Year 4.

 Adding using the column method (thenational.academy)


See the lesson for planning the opening of a story for Year 4.

 To plan the opening of the story (thenational.academy)


Please continue to read your current book and you can quiz on this once it is complete in school on Accelerated Reader. 


Other Curriculum Task - Science

Please see below the lesson on 'What is the solar system?' for Year 4.

What is the solar system? (thenational.academy)