How We Learn At Nursery
At St James' Church School Nursery we learn in lots of different ways, following the Early Years Foundation Stage. We play with toys and games, experiment with art and craft materials, use play equipment and musical instruments, and enjoy new experiences with special visitors and trips out. We also encourage parents to come in and share in our learning through workshops and events.
To see what we have been learning this term, please visit the "Our Learning" page.
Sharing Stories
Sharing stories helps us to learn in so many ways:
Awareness of rhyme and rhythm
Learning new words and vocabulary
Developing our imaginations
Understanding others' feelings
Developing our listening and attention skills
Using our memories when we talk about the stories we have listened to
Please click on the picture above to listen to and watch stories from the CBeebies story time site. After watching/reading stories with your child, you could talk about what happened in the story - what was your child's favourite part? Which character did they like the best? Was it a funny/sad/scary story?
Lots of the children have been borrowing books from the Nursery library, and enjoying choosing which book to borrow next! Each child has a folder with an index card - please write on this card which book you are borrowing, and then simply return the book when you have finished sharing it with your child. If your child has not yet started using the Nursery library, and you are unsure what to do, please speak to their Key Worker.
Bible Storytelling
Sometimes we share stories together from the Bible. As a church school, part of our Christian ethos is to look at how stories from the Bible can help us remember to look after each other, be kind, honest, brave, and look after our world. Mrs Jewhurst tells us the stories in small groups using her special storytelling figures and props, and when the story is finished we ask "I wonder..." questions about the characters and story. We also have a corresponding display and table where the story basket is kept for children to play independently. The children really enjoy retelling the story and this helps to develop their speaking, listening and understanding skills.
The Lost Sheep
Retelling the lost sheep story
While children are learning to count, and even before then, they are developing their awareness and understanding of number names. You can really support this at home by singing Nursery rhymes that use numbers:
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Five Little Speckled Frogs
10 fat sausages
Click here for a range of nursery rhymes we sing at Nursery!
Click the numbers above to play an underwater counting game!
Somerset Total Communication
We use a lot of sign language to help us communicate in the Nursery. Below are some of the signs we use regularly every day.
Each week we have focus signs and these will be displayed in the cloakroom. If your child is using signs at home and you aren't sure what they mean, please come and ask us!
HELLO: Thumb up, move hand out from body
STOP: Hold hand up, palm outwards
HELP: Use lower hand to lift upper hand upwardsSITTING: Move both hands downwards
WALKING: walk fingers along arm
FINISHED: Make hands into fists and place together
FINISHED: Open hands up and move downwards
MORE: Make lower hand into fist
MORE: Upper hand goes flat on top
We enjoy weekly music sessions with Mr Rob Rawle and Mrs Joanna Nowak. In this session we are extending our repertoire of rhymes and songs. We also are learning to move our bodies in response to the rhythms of the music.
Forest School
We also take a trip to Forest School every Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon. Don't worry if your child isn't in on either of those days as we will try and fit it in when we feel children may need to go at other times as well.
Forest School is a great way of learning outside, whether through drawing, collecting, climbing, being imaginative or making relationships.
Some of the activities we do during free flow play!
Painting sticks develops our fine motor skills
Counting, emptying and filling with conkers.
We explored inside pumpkins & decided to fill it up
Monsters in water, developing our speaking skills
Using tweezers strengthens our fingers/ hands
Helpful Websites
BBC School's Radio Nursery Rhymes
Letters and Sounds Games - A collection of early phonics games