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Bath and Wells MAT


Please contact us to arrange an appointment if you would like to come and have a look around our Nursery.

Enquiries Form

 Enquiries Form

Opening Times

St James Church School Nursery is open from 8.45am-3.30pm.

We are open Monday-Friday, term time only.

We offer morning, afternoon and all day sessions. 

Morning: 8.45 - 11.45
Lunchtime: 11.45 - 12.30

Afternoon: 12.30 - 3.30
All Day: 8.45 - 3.30

Breakfast and Late club is also available to provide full day care from 08.00-17.45 for children aged 3 and over. Please contact us for more information.


Our hourly rate is £4.60.  Our session prices are:

Mornings - £13.80
Lunchtime - £3.45*

Afternoons - £13.80
All Day - £31.05*

*Children staying for lunch will either need to bring a packed lunch, or order a school dinner from the school office. We provide hot meals free of charge for nursery aged children.

Early Years Entitlement Funding (EYE funding) details: 

We are in receipt of EYE funding for two, three and four year olds.  EYE funding for three year olds will be available from the term after a child’s third birthday.  EYE funding is 15 hours per week over 38 weeks as we are a term time only nursery. 

Example attendance patterns for 15 hours per week:

Five Mornings                                           

Five Afternoons

Two Full Days (This would be 13.5 hours)

It is also possible to combine your 15 EYE funded hours with extra paid-for sessions. 

For example:

One full day and three mornings/afternoons - 15.75 hours
Two full days, and one morning/afternoon - 16.5 hours

Three full days - 20.25 hours

In these cases, you would simply pay the hourly rate for any time over the entitlement of 15 hours.

30 Hours Funding

We also offer the extended entitlement of 30 funded hours for eligible families. To find out if you may be entitled to this, please visit: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

We are able to offer a range of attendance patterns to suit different families' needs. Please contact us if you would like to speak to us further about this.

We operate a waiting list system as per our fees and admissions policy. If you would like to apply for a place for your child, see the bottom of the page for a link to Famly to complete an online expression of interest.